Wednesday, July 24, 2013

An Introspective heart

After a while you learn the subtle different
Between holding and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn't mean learning
And company doesn't mean security
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises
And you begin to accepts your defeats with your head up
And your eyes ahead with grace
Not the grief of a child
And you learn to build all your paths today
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
And the best of horses have a way of feeling down the trail
After a while you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much
You learn that you really can endure
That you are really strong
And you learn and you learn
With every good-bye you learn

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tahun Pertama

Alhamdulillah setahun pertama memakai jilbab. Awalnya banyak teman-teman, sahabat, bahkan saudara saya yang bertanya-tanya kenapa saya menggunakan jilbab karena tepat awal Ramadhan tahun lalu saya mulai menggunakan jilbab bersama teman saya Thirzy Kliwandania (Sisi) yang saya tulis disini. Mungkin mereka mengira saya memakai jilbab karena euforia Ramadhan, euforia Ramadahan yang membuat umat muslim kadang memakai jilbab hanya di bulan Ramadhan saja, setelah itu? Ya kembali ke penampilan mereka sebelum berjilbab. Tetapi keputusan saya sudah bulat untuk menggunakan jilbab, meskipun awalnya saya sempat ragu untuk menggunakan jilbab.

Banyak juga pujian dari orang-orang sekitar, semua saling memberi support kepada saya untuk terus menggunakan jilbab. Mereka menilai saya sudah menjadi wanita muslimah seutuhnya (meskipun masih harus banyak belajar menggunakan pakaian muslimah yang syar'i). Tahun ini tidak terasa sudah 1 tahun saya menggunakan jilbab, yang terpikir oleh saya adalah "Kenapa saya nggak dari dulu memaki jilbab ya?" Saya yakin segala sesuatunya sudah diatur sama Allah dan ketika saya memutuskan untuk memakai jilbab, pasti itu semua atas izin Allah. Semoga saya dan teman saya Thirzy bisa tetap istiqomah menggunakan jilbab dan belajar lebih baik lagi untuk menjadi wanita muslimah. Aamiin.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Am I?

I'm just human with thousand sins
I have weakness
I have lots of dream that I want to reach
I experience sadness
I just need to be free, without comment and complain
I know what I did! Please let me grow up with my passion
People talks everything they wants and never knew the feeling inside
I take the risk for every decisions that I choose, no matter how hard the problems

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Quote of The Day

Ramadhan is like a rare flower that blossoms once a year and just as you begin to smell its fragrance. It disappears for another year. Make the most of it now while you still have the chance for the harvesting season is here and it won’t last. The last 10 days have approached so fast and as the days wiz past. How do our deeds fare? Put your heart in action and your limbs in gear. Multiply your deeds, so your rewards be dear” 
— Anonymus

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Holy Month of Ramadhan

Ramadan is a special month for Muslims all over the world. It is a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and increased devotion and worship. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month during which Muslims observe fasting from morning twilight (Fajr Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer). It also has been the turning point for a lot of Muslims so don’t mock those who start practicing in Ramadan, this may be their turning point. Thank God, I still have a chance to meet the atmosphere of Ramadhan, I hope this month is full of blessings abundant. Aamiin.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

English as a world language

These days, English language becoming used more and more as a world language rather than other language. Besides that, there are so many languages that die every year and replaced by English language. Many people think this is a positive trend and that world with fewer languages promotes harmony and understanding between people but there are also many people that do not agree with it. So, English promotes harmony and understanding between people, despite people think that this is very negative.
           One of the many benefits of the use of English as a world language is the easy way to communicate in business matters. A country could easily do business with another country that the language has already changed to English. Developed countries like French, German, Japan and many others use English as their second language. However, they still appreciate their cultures. That is why they do not want to make English their first language. The rest of the countries refuse to make English their first or second language because they do not want their language to change. However, they still put it in their governments system that every kid has to learn English so they implement it in their education curriculum as well as inviting many English teachers to teach in their countries. Many private companies also open their language teaching informal schools in some countries. Some of them are Wall Street and English First. That is why it is very important that every country should know and understand about English.
The other advantage is the easy way to communicate between people in different countries. Being the universal language that English already is, it makes it easier for people to talk to each other whenever they are. If we are going to another country to travel or work or for some other instances, we are most likely to speak English because it is the only language that most people in the world understand even if it is only broken English they still can understand and respond to what we say. There will also be no misunderstanding if English become a universal language because everyone will talk in the same language and it will surely make all the leaders job easier and all politic matters will be simpler because they know what each other is talking about so it will be impossible to deceive each other and each of them will understand what they are talking about.
            However, there are so many people who think that English make other languages die equal to English make other countries’ cultures vanish. Australia is one of many countries that had become an English speaking country, changing their native Aborigine language to English because they had been colonized by The Great Britain. Australia has collaborated with so many countries ever since English became their first language. Take other example, Singapore, who had been colonized by English too. They were originally a Chinese based country and spoke using Mandarin as their language. But as the time goes by, all the signs on the road and building as well as the language they use at daily changed to English. Now people would think of Singapore as an English speaking country even though they have their own signature language, Singaporean English (Singlish), this is a combination of English with a slight of Mandarin accent. However, Singapore and many other countries that have already established English as their first language even though it is originally not their mother language, have lost their cultural identities.
            To sum it all up, it is good to make English universal language because that way everyone can be talking in a same language and will not get misunderstood by each other because the settling of English as a universal language minimize the possibilities of misunderstanding when talking to people from different countries. However, the countries that originally have their own cultures and languages will probably lose their cultural identities because they will not be using their native language anymore. It has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on how people see it in their own point of view.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Dunia tidak lagi sama. Hidup ini menjadi asing. Aku sedih untuk sesuatu yang tak kutahu. Aku galau untuk sesuatu yang tak ada. Dan jari ini ingin menunjuk sesuatu yang bisa menjadi sebab, tapi tak kutemukan apa-apa. Pada saat yang sama, seluruh sel tubuhku berkata lain. Mereka tahu sesuatu yang tak dapat digapai pikiran. Apa rasanya, jika tubuhmu sendiri menyimpan rahasia darimu?

Dee Lestari-Firasat

Aku sampai di bagian bahwa aku telah jatuh cinta. Namun orang itu hanya dapat kugapai sebatas punggungnya saja. Seseorang yang hadir sekelebat bagai bintang jatuh yang lenyap keluar dari bingkai mata sebelum tangan ini sanggup mengejar. Seseorang yang hanya bisa kukirimi isyarat sehalus udara, langit, awan, atau hujan.

Dee Lestari-Hanya Isyarat